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Please email completed enrolment forms to admin@cheeriokids.com.au
If you would like to visit our centre the best times are 9:30/10:00AM and 2:30/3:00PM Monday-Friday.
Please call us for your visiting time preference.

Please see below tabs to access our Waiting List, Enrolment form, Parent Handbook,
Code of Conduct, Child Safe Environment Policy and our Fee Information.

Book a tour today!

Come for a visit to:
  • See our vibrant rooms and play areas designed to spark creativity and curiosity.
  • Meet our passionate educators who are committed to your child's development and well-being.
  • Discover our diverse range of activities and educational programs tailored to each child's unique interests and needs.
  • Experience the warm and welcoming atmosphere that sets us apart as a home away from home for your family.

8 Sackville Street, Heidelberg Heights VIC 3081
9457 4237 / 0401 688 027
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