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Our Philosophy
Image of Child
At Cheeriokids we believe children are joyful capable learners that are full of knowledge. We recognize that children are curious and creative as they are given the opportunity to follow, discover and extend on their own interests and learning through an engaging environment and adult led experiences.
Children's voices are encouraged as they learn to communicate and express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Our children are viewed as adaptable and brave as they are challenged by new learning experiences and social encounters while connecting to their world around them.

At Cheeriokids Heidelberg our educators foster positive relationships with our children, families, and each other.
Through constant communication we aim to establish and maintain partnerships of respect, trust, and integrity. Our educators ensure all children entrusted in each room are made to feel safe, secure, and comfortable while their agency is promoted through choice. They are supported and guided through positive relationships, verbal encouragement, daily routines and both child and teacher led learning experiences.
Our educators work alongside the Victorian Early Years Learning framework and National Quality standards to inspire children in their learning and development. Our educators collaborate to provide a high-quality program and plan in each room with an open-door policy allowing children to spend time learning outdoors.

Role of Families
At Cheeriokids Heidelberg we acknowledge that families are the child's primary teacher. It is important to us to build positive partnerships with families to enhance children's learning and development while supporting families. Through various ways of communication, we collaborate and identify children's needs, interests and learning goals. Our families are encouraged to make suggestions for our service and to be actively involved in our programming and learning cycle.

Our environment
At Cheeriokids Heidelberg we strive to provide an engaging homelike environment for children to be adventurous, engaged, and curious learners.  Our environment is safe, and children have access to many resources to extend on their interests.
We also believe that children are essential to our future which is why we communicate the importance of their roles in caring for and protecting their environment. We are imbedding sustainable practises in our daily routine and always learning about the ways we can take care of our environments.

Children are connected
At Cheeriokids Heidelberg our families appreciate our family environment which facilitates long term connections between children and parents. Our children explore their social environment through play and guided learning.  Children are encouraged to work collaboratively, respect others, recognize empathy and fairness and be inclusive of all, embracing the diversity within our service and the world.
8 Sackville Street, Heidelberg Heights VIC 3081
9457 4237 / 0401 688 027
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